MUSIC, LEADERSHIP, CULTURE… and humor (sometimes)

Archive for May, 2010

My DEBUT album. Available NOW.

After years of dreaming and months of recording, my new EP is out and is available for a special pre-sale! With your purchase, you will be supporting our efforts in Mexico City for the next 2 years. Thank you for giving this album a chance and thank you for spreading the word. This CD is ONLY $8 and it includes all shipping costs (to anywhere in the United States). If you order today, the album will be mailed out to you starting on June 4, before the official release on June 6*!

*NOTE: If you live in Southern California, the EP will be made available for purchase at Newsong Irvine during all three services on June 6, 2010. You can make your purchase in person for $7 without worrying about shipping.  If you place your order online, the album will be mailed to you and you won’t be able to pick it up in person*

NOTE: Online sales have closed but look below for the link to iTUNES!

All songs were written, produced, and performed by me with the help of many of my amazingly talented friends. I don’t know if I would feel comfortable asking people to pay for something I didn’t believe in so I can confidently say that this is an inspired project. No “filler” tracks and no wasted time– just FIVE loaded tunes with words and sounds inspired from our Newsong journey. I hope it is an encouragement to you!

The Tracks (click on the player to hear a sample of each song!):

1. Heart Transformer

2. You’re Everything (feat. Sadie Kim)

3. Unleash Your Beauty (acoustic version)

4. Water

5. Hey

BONUS: For chords and lyrics click HERE


a dream come true

Hey Friends!

It is with great joy and virtual tears that I share with you the news of the upcoming release of my first studio project.  This is something I’ve wanted to do since I was in my teens and at the tender age of 29, it has finally come to pass!

This project was made possible by many different people and seriously, the divine hand of God!  I’m so amazed at how everything came together at the right time with the right people.  I feel so lucky to have worked with such great talent.

After a few private releases, this CD will be available for purchase here on this blog starting on June 7 for a limited time.  Please send me a note if you want to reserve a copy before the official release.

I am extremely pleased with the results of this project and I have a sense that you’ll enjoy it immensely as well.  I hope it is an encouragement to you all.