MUSIC, LEADERSHIP, CULTURE… and humor (sometimes)


“DK is a 2-time Grammy Award-winning, New York Times Best-selling, 5-time MVP award-winning musician, author, speaker, athlete and super human. . . in his mind.” -anonymous

In actuality, I am:

AN IN-DEMAND husband to my wife, Sadie

A HIGHLY REQUESTED SPEAKER of truth and love to my son Micah and baby #2  (coming, May 2011!)

FAMOUS amongst my friends for my inability to perform public acts of flatulence

BELOVED by a person named Jesus.  Ever hear of him?


FOUR years at UC Irvine, somehow earning a Sociology degree in 2003 while dropping unintentional pools of saliva on desks throughout the Social Sciences.

SEVEN years on staff at Newsong Church, quite possibly the most imperfectly perfect family ever.  Love.

TWO years in Bangkok, Thailand immediately after my wedding to help build a new, thriving, innovative community of misfits and world-changers.  Life-changing.

TWO years as the worship director back at Newsong, Irvine.  Basically, I got paid to do music and love people at the best place in the OC.  It was my dream job.


In MEXICO CITY of all places after stepping out in a step of risk, i mean, faith.  Felt a mysterious call to leave my dream job without knowing what’s next in late 2009.  It all felt really weird and radical but realized it was completely normal and happens consistently throughout history and texts like the Bible.  Our family survived and thrived without pay for 6 months before our move down south.

Fighting HUMAN TRAFFICKING by assisting in a rehabilitation home for rescued victims of the injustice.  Creatively building a COMMUNITY of love-without-strings for the people of Mexico City.

Saying yes to all things God-requested the best I can.  Loving my family the best I can.  Writing songs and blogging the best I can.  Fighting for justice and freedom the best I can.

Honored that you would read this blog and follow the journey of my heart.

In my writing:

I strive for HONESTY whether it makes me sound good or dumb
I critique with HOPE
I will make you LAUGH
My desire to INSPIRE is greater than my need to be inspired
I will at times make you cringe and IGNORE me

But I hope you’ll be back soon…

With great love and care,


this is my family. that's me in the cool shades.

3 responses


    Like the new look! You inspired me to change my theme too. I played around w/a few different ones this morning but I think I found one I like. =)

    March 7, 2011 at 1:26 pm

  2. Pingback: Guest Post: New Thoughts (And the Missionary Position? By Daniel Kim) « Patridew's Perfect World

  3. Hi Brother,
    Please visit our site.
    with regards,

    January 7, 2013 at 10:54 pm

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